US Stamps, Scott 1500 to 1599

Scott 1594 mint 12c - Torch (1981), Freedom of Conscience - An American Right, 1975-81 American Issue Commemorative Stamps. representative stamp imaged.
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Scott 1590&1623 mint 9c - Flag & Capitol, from bklt pane (1977) attached pair, perf 11 x 10 1/2, 1975-81 American Issue Commemorative Stamps. representative stamp imaged.
Regular price

Scott 1590 mint 9c - Capitol, from bklt pane (1977), Right of People Peaceably to Assemble, 1975-81 American Issue Commemorative Stamps. representative stamp imaged.
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Scott 1585 mint 4c - Books & Eyeglasses (1977), A Public That Reads, A Root of Democracy, 1975-81 American Issue Commemorative Stamps. representative stamp imaged.
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Scott 1584 mint 3c - Ballot Box (1977), To Cast a Free Ballot, A Root of Democracy, 1975-81 American Issue Commemorative Stamps. representative stamp imaged.
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Scott 1581 mint 1c - Inkwell & Quill (1977), The Ability to Write, A Root of Democracy, 1975-81 American Issue Commemorative Stamps. representative stamp imaged.
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Scott 1579 mint (10c) - Madonna, 1975 Commemorative Stamps. representative stamp imaged.
Regular price

Scott 1578 mint 10c - Commerce, 1975 Commemorative Stamps. representative stamp imaged.
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Scott 1577-78 mint sheet 10c (40) - Banking & Commerce, 2 varieties, attached, 1975 Commemorative Stamps. representative stamp imaged.
Regular price

Scott 1577-78 mint 10c - Banking & Commerce, 2 varieties, attached, 1975 Commemorative Stamps. representative stamp imaged.
Regular price

Scott 1577 mint 10c - Banking, 1975 Commemorative Stamps. representative stamp imaged.
Regular price

Scott 1576 mint sheet 10c (50) - World Peace Through Law, 1975 Commemorative Stamps. representative stamp imaged.
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Scott 1576 mint 10c - World Peace Through Law, 1975 Commemorative Stamps. representative stamp imaged.
Regular price

Scott 1575 mint 10c - Satellite, Postal Service Bicentennial, 1975 Commemorative Stamps. representative stamp imaged.
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Scott 1574 mint 10c - Airplanes, Postal Service Bicentennial, 1975 Commemorative Stamps. representative stamp imaged.
Regular price

Scott 1573 mint 10c - Locomotives, Postal Service Bicentennial, 1975 Commemorative Stamps. representative stamp imaged.
Regular price