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US Coins
US Coins
Half cents
Large Cents
Large Cents; Flowing Hair, Liberty Cap, Draped Bust, Classic Head
Large Cents: Coronet Head
Large Cents: Braided Hair
Flying Eagle Cents 1856-1858
Indian Head Cents
Indian Head Cents 1859-1864
Indian Head Cents 1865-1879
indian Head Cents 1880-1895
indian Head Cents 1896-1909
Lincoln Cents
Lincoln Cents 1909-1921
Lincoln Cents 1922-1937
Lincoln Cents 1938-1946
Lincoln Cents 1947 to present
2 cent pieces
3 cent pieces
Shield Nickels
Liberty V Nickels
Liberty or V Nickel 1883-1896
Liberty or V Nickel 1897-1912
Buffalo Nickels
Buffalo Nickels 1913-1918
Buffalo Nickels 1919-1927
Buffalo Nickels 1928-1938
Jefferson Nickels
Jefferson Nickels 1938-1949
Jefferson Nickels 1950 to present
Half Dimes
Bust and Seated Dimes
Barber Dimes
Barber Dimes 1892-1906
Barber Dimes 1907-1916
Mercury Dimes
Mercury Dimes 1916-1924
Mercury Dimes 1925-1930
Mercury Dimes 1931-1939
Mercury Dimes 1940-1945
Roosevelt Dimes
Roosevelt Dimes 1946-1955
Roosevelt Dimes 1956 to present
Twenty Cent Pieces
Bust and Seated Quarters
Barber Quarters 1892-1906
Barber Quarters 1907-1916
Standing Liberty Quarters
Washington Quarters
Washington Quarters 1932-1940
Washington Quarters 1941-1945
Washington Quarters 1946-1952
Washington Quarters 1953-1974
Washington Quarters 1975 to present
Bust Half Dollars
Seated Liberty Half Dollars
Barber Half Dollars
Barber Half Dollars 1892-1901
Barber Half Dollars 1902-1907
Barber Half Dollars 1908-1910
Barber Half Dollars 1911-1915
Walking Liberty Half Dollars
Walking Liberty Half Dollars 1916-1938
Walking Liberty Half Dollars 1939-1947
Franklin Half Dollars
Kennedy Half Dollars
Bust, Seated and Trade Dollars
Morgan Dollars
Morgan Dollar 1878-1883
Morgan Dollars 1884-1889
Morgan Dollars 1890-1899
Morgan Dollars 1900-1921
Peace Dollars
Colonial Era Coins A-G
Colonial Era Coins H-Z
Medieval-Early Coins A-F
Medieval-Early Coins G-Z
Proof Sets US
Proof Singles: Cents
Proof Singles: Nickels
Proof Singles: Dimes
Proof Singles: Quarters
Proof Singles: Half Dollars
Proof Singles: Dollars
Wholesale Collections
Early US commemoratives
Coin rolls
World Coins
World Coins
World Coins A
World Coins Australia
World Coins Austria
World Coins B
World Coins Belgium and Belgian Congo
World Coins C
Canadian Coins and Tokens
World Coins Canada Large Cents
World Coins Canada Small Cents
World Coins Canada 5 Cent Silver
World Coins Canada 5 Cent Nickel
World Coins Canada 10 Cents
World Coins Canada 25 Cents
World Coins Canada 50 Cents
World Coins Canada Dollars
World Coins Canada Provinces and Tokens
World Coins Canada Sets
World Coins Canada Misc
World Coins Cuba
World Coins D
World Coins Denmark
World Coins E
World Coins F
French Coins
World Coins French Centimes
World Coins French Francs
World Coins French Territories, Misc.
World Coins G
German Coins
World Coins German States, misc
World Coins German Pfennig
World Coins German 2 Pfennigs
World Coins German 5 Pfennigs
World Coins German 10 and 20 Pfennigs
World Coins German 50 Pfennigs
World Coins German Marks: All denominations
Great Britain Coins and tokens
World Coins Great Britain Half Penny
World Coins Great Britain Penny
World Coins Great Britain 2 Pence, 3 Pence, 4 Pence, 5 Pence
World Coins Great Britain 6 Pence
World Coins Great Britain Farthings
World Coins Great Britain Shillings
World Coins Great Britain Florins
World Coins Great Britain Half Crowns
World Coins Great Britain Crowns
World Coins Great Britain New Pence: All denominations
World Coins Great Britain Territories, misc.
British Tokens
World Coins Greece
World Coins H
World Coins Hong Kong
World Coins Hungary
World Coins I
World Coins Ireland
World Coins Israel
Italian Coins
World Coins Italy Centesimo and Centesimi
World Coins Italy Lira, Lire and misc.
World Coins J
World Coins K
World Coins L
World Coins M
Mexican Coins
World Coins Mexico Centavo to 5 Centavo
World Coins Mexico 10 Centavos to 50 Centavos
World Coins Mexico Pesos, Misc
World Coins N
Netherlands Coins
World Coins Netherlands 1/2 Cents to Cents
World Coins Netherlands 2 1/2 Cents to 50 Cents
World Coins Netherlands Guldens, misc.
World Coins Netherlands Antilles, Curacao and East Indies
World Coins New Zealand
World Coins Norway
World Coins O
World Coins P
World Coins Palestine
World Coins Panama
World Coins Peru
World Coins Philippines
World Coins Q
World Coins R
World Coins Russia
World Coins S
World Coins South Africa
World Coins Spain
World Coins Sweden
Swiss Coins
World Coins Switzerland 1 Rappen to 5 Rappen
World Coins Switzerland 10 Rappen to Francs
World Coins T
World Coins U to Z
World Coins Vatican City
Ancient Coins
Tokens and Medals
Tokens and Medals
Tokens: US Civil War
Hard Times Tokens
Colonial and Post Colonial
Tokens: Miscellaneous US
Commemorative Medals
Tokens: British
Tokens: Conders English, Scottish, Irish and Welsh
Other World Tokens
US stamps- better
World stamps- better
Stamps: Framed Gift Themed Stamps
US Commemorative and Regular Issue Stamps
US Stamps, Scott 1 to 99
US Stamps, Scott 100 to 199
US Stamps, Scott 200 to 299
US Stamps, Scott 300 to 399
US Stamps, Scott 400 to 499
US Stamps, Scott 500 to 599
US Stamps, Scott 600 to 699
US Stamps, Scott 700 to 799
US Stamps, Scott 800 to 899
US Stamps, Scott 900 to 999
US Stamps, Scott 1000 to 1099
US Stamps, Scott 1100 to 1199
US Stamps, Scott 1200 to 1299
US Stamps, Scott 1300 to 1399
US Stamps, Scott 1400 to 1499
US Stamps, Scott 1500 to 1599
US Stamps, Scott 1600 to 1699
US Stamps, Scott 1700 to 1799
US Stamps, Scott 1800 to 1899
US Stamps, Scott 1900 to 1999
US Stamps, Scott 2000 to 2099
US Stamps, Scott 2100 to 2199
US Stamps, Scott 2200 to 2299
US Stamps, Scott 2300 to 2399
US Stamps, Scott 2400 to 2499
US Stamps, Scott 2500 to 2599
US Stamps, Duck Hunting Stamps
US Stamps, Airmail
US Stamps: Special Delivery, Postage Due, Official, Revenues, etc.
US Stamps, Mint sheets and singles below face value
Confederate States Stamps
World Currency
Currency: US Large Notes
Currency: US small notes
Currency: US fractional
Currency: US Colonial and Continental
Currency: US Obsolete
Currency: Confederate
Currency: US Nationals
Error currency
Authentic Historic Newspapers and Magazines
Supplies: Dansco Albums
Supplies: Coin, Stamp and Currency
Christmas Gift Card
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US Coins
Half cents
Large Cents
Large Cents; Flowing Hair, Liberty Cap, Draped Bust, Classic Head
Large Cents: Coronet Head
Large Cents: Braided Hair
Flying Eagle Cents 1856-1858
Indian Head Cents
Indian Head Cents 1859-1864
Indian Head Cents 1865-1879
indian Head Cents 1880-1895
indian Head Cents 1896-1909
Lincoln Cents
Lincoln Cents 1909-1921
Lincoln Cents 1922-1937
Lincoln Cents 1938-1946
Lincoln Cents 1947 to present
2 cent pieces
3 cent pieces
Shield Nickels
Liberty V Nickels
Liberty or V Nickel 1883-1896
Liberty or V Nickel 1897-1912
Buffalo Nickels
Buffalo Nickels 1913-1918
Buffalo Nickels 1919-1927
Buffalo Nickels 1928-1938
Jefferson Nickels
Jefferson Nickels 1938-1949
Jefferson Nickels 1950 to present
Half Dimes
Bust and Seated Dimes
Barber Dimes
Barber Dimes 1892-1906
Barber Dimes 1907-1916
Mercury Dimes
Mercury Dimes 1916-1924
Mercury Dimes 1925-1930
Mercury Dimes 1931-1939
Mercury Dimes 1940-1945
Roosevelt Dimes
Roosevelt Dimes 1946-1955
Roosevelt Dimes 1956 to present
Twenty Cent Pieces
Bust and Seated Quarters
Barber Quarters 1892-1906
Barber Quarters 1907-1916
Standing Liberty Quarters
Washington Quarters
Washington Quarters 1932-1940
Washington Quarters 1941-1945
Washington Quarters 1946-1952
Washington Quarters 1953-1974
Washington Quarters 1975 to present
Bust Half Dollars
Seated Liberty Half Dollars
Barber Half Dollars
Barber Half Dollars 1892-1901
Barber Half Dollars 1902-1907
Barber Half Dollars 1908-1910
Barber Half Dollars 1911-1915
Walking Liberty Half Dollars
Walking Liberty Half Dollars 1916-1938
Walking Liberty Half Dollars 1939-1947
Franklin Half Dollars
Kennedy Half Dollars
Bust, Seated and Trade Dollars
Morgan Dollars
Morgan Dollar 1878-1883
Morgan Dollars 1884-1889
Morgan Dollars 1890-1899
Morgan Dollars 1900-1921
Peace Dollars
Colonial Era Coins A-G
Colonial Era Coins H-Z
Medieval-Early Coins A-F
Medieval-Early Coins G-Z
Proof Sets US
Proof Singles: Cents
Proof Singles: Nickels
Proof Singles: Dimes
Proof Singles: Quarters
Proof Singles: Half Dollars
Proof Singles: Dollars
Wholesale Collections
Early US commemoratives
Coin rolls
World Coins
World Coins A
World Coins Australia
World Coins Austria
World Coins B
World Coins Belgium and Belgian Congo
World Coins C
Canadian Coins and Tokens
World Coins Canada Large Cents
World Coins Canada Small Cents
World Coins Canada 5 Cent Silver
World Coins Canada 5 Cent Nickel
World Coins Canada 10 Cents
World Coins Canada 25 Cents
World Coins Canada 50 Cents
World Coins Canada Dollars
World Coins Canada Provinces and Tokens
World Coins Canada Sets
World Coins Canada Misc
World Coins Cuba
World Coins D
World Coins Denmark
World Coins E
World Coins F
French Coins
World Coins French Centimes
World Coins French Francs
World Coins French Territories, Misc.
World Coins G
German Coins
World Coins German States, misc
World Coins German Pfennig
World Coins German 2 Pfennigs
World Coins German 5 Pfennigs
World Coins German 10 and 20 Pfennigs
World Coins German 50 Pfennigs
World Coins German Marks: All denominations
Great Britain Coins and tokens
World Coins Great Britain Half Penny
World Coins Great Britain Penny
World Coins Great Britain 2 Pence, 3 Pence, 4 Pence, 5 Pence
World Coins Great Britain 6 Pence
World Coins Great Britain Farthings
World Coins Great Britain Shillings
World Coins Great Britain Florins
World Coins Great Britain Half Crowns
World Coins Great Britain Crowns
World Coins Great Britain New Pence: All denominations
World Coins Great Britain Territories, misc.
British Tokens
World Coins Greece
World Coins H
World Coins Hong Kong
World Coins Hungary
World Coins I
World Coins Ireland
World Coins Israel
Italian Coins
World Coins Italy Centesimo and Centesimi
World Coins Italy Lira, Lire and misc.
World Coins J
World Coins K
World Coins L
World Coins M
Mexican Coins
World Coins Mexico Centavo to 5 Centavo
World Coins Mexico 10 Centavos to 50 Centavos
World Coins Mexico Pesos, Misc
World Coins N
Netherlands Coins
World Coins Netherlands 1/2 Cents to Cents
World Coins Netherlands 2 1/2 Cents to 50 Cents
World Coins Netherlands Guldens, misc.
World Coins Netherlands Antilles, Curacao and East Indies
World Coins New Zealand
World Coins Norway
World Coins O
World Coins P
World Coins Palestine
World Coins Panama
World Coins Peru
World Coins Philippines
World Coins Q
World Coins R
World Coins Russia
World Coins S
World Coins South Africa
World Coins Spain
World Coins Sweden
Swiss Coins
World Coins Switzerland 1 Rappen to 5 Rappen
World Coins Switzerland 10 Rappen to Francs
World Coins T
World Coins U to Z
World Coins Vatican City
Ancient Coins
Tokens and Medals
Tokens: US Civil War
Hard Times Tokens
Colonial and Post Colonial
Tokens: Miscellaneous US
Commemorative Medals
Tokens: British
Tokens: Conders English, Scottish, Irish and Welsh
Other World Tokens
US stamps- better
World stamps- better
Stamps: Framed Gift Themed Stamps
US Commemorative and Regular Issue Stamps
US Stamps, Scott 1 to 99
US Stamps, Scott 100 to 199
US Stamps, Scott 200 to 299
US Stamps, Scott 300 to 399
US Stamps, Scott 400 to 499
US Stamps, Scott 500 to 599
US Stamps, Scott 600 to 699
US Stamps, Scott 700 to 799
US Stamps, Scott 800 to 899
US Stamps, Scott 900 to 999
US Stamps, Scott 1000 to 1099
US Stamps, Scott 1100 to 1199
US Stamps, Scott 1200 to 1299
US Stamps, Scott 1300 to 1399
US Stamps, Scott 1400 to 1499
US Stamps, Scott 1500 to 1599
US Stamps, Scott 1600 to 1699
US Stamps, Scott 1700 to 1799
US Stamps, Scott 1800 to 1899
US Stamps, Scott 1900 to 1999
US Stamps, Scott 2000 to 2099
US Stamps, Scott 2100 to 2199
US Stamps, Scott 2200 to 2299
US Stamps, Scott 2300 to 2399
US Stamps, Scott 2400 to 2499
US Stamps, Scott 2500 to 2599
US Stamps, Duck Hunting Stamps
US Stamps, Airmail
US Stamps: Special Delivery, Postage Due, Official, Revenues, etc.
US Stamps, Mint sheets and singles below face value
Confederate States Stamps
World Currency
Currency: US Large Notes
Currency: US small notes
Currency: US fractional
Currency: US Colonial and Continental
Currency: US Obsolete
Currency: Confederate
Currency: US Nationals
Error currency
Authentic Historic Newspapers and Magazines
Supplies: Dansco Albums
Supplies: Coin, Stamp and Currency
Christmas Gift Card
1896-S Barber Quarter, Grade= G/AG
Regular price
Stock: 1 left
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1896-S Barber Quarter, Grade= G/AG